
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Homeward Bound!


This week many many wonderful things have happened to me. I can't help but have a big cheesy grin plastered to my face at the moment!

As I said before, I am currently looking for a job and exploring the city for exciting things to do. So of course, I went in search of my local Target! Because what else to do when you're bored than scour a Target for things you absolutely don't need! Well. I found mine and I spent about 4 hours walking up and down EVERY SINGLE AISLE. It was faaabulouusss!! *does a twirl and swings arm into the air like a diva* I bought a Mean Girls and Harry Potter dvd. During a different trip I went and bought a 32" VIZIO TV, because life was unbearable without one. 

also I found this cute book!

After my little trip to Target. I went to the store next door called Ulta. Basically that's just a huge beauty store, that is probably any woman's wet dream. I was browsing some brushes when one of the makeup counter girls comes up and ropes me into getting a make over and buying a $35 make up brush!!! I left the store feeling simultaneously good and bad about myself and that store. I mean I obviously can't save a penny worth my life! But at the same time the Cargo Magic Brush makes my life and make up so much better! I like to think of it as a necessary evil that I will probably regret when it's time to pay my bills *laughs uncomfortably at the mention of them*. Anyway! Here are some pictures! (btw I count my lucky stars that I didn't fall for the Michael Kors perfume bit. That would have been a $170 disaster for my poor little bank account!

Post make over and brush fiasco
Ulta aka leave your money at home or else!

Onto the title!! The reason I titled this Homeward Bound was because!! *drum roll* I AM HOME! As in with my parents in Cottonwood! Yes! I decided that I didn't want to spend my birthday poor and alone. So my lovely mom offered to pick me up from Glendale and bring me back to Cottonwood! So far it's been meh. I don't have a car here but it's okay because I love spending time with my little sister Daisy and the rest of my family! 

My brother. Ohhhh, that is a whole different can of worms but long story short. He is now living with my parents after I moved out. (Wow don't be so eager to replace me mom and dad gee!) My sister was also quick to claim my room, as it is the second biggest bedroom in the house. So I've commandeered her room for the time being. *giggles* 

My birthday is next wednesday and I will be dun dun dun! 18 YEARS OLD! WOO! I am really excited. The sad part is though. That the only reason I'm excited is so that I can get myself into debt. I'm serious! I want to start building my credit and that means credit cards. Well to be honest I'm only looking to apply for one and I will only use it for gas and stuff like that. Nothing like buying myself a Louis Vuitton 32 Speedy or anything *winks*.

Talking about debt! I finally got my financial aid book advance which means I can finally get my books for school! I am way excited to start learning again! I went to my freshmen orientation last Tuesday and got to see the campus and now I'm just chomping at the bit to start using my brain again!

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