
Saturday, August 17, 2013

You’re Invited! ...To my pity party!


There hasn’t been much to happen that’s been blog worthy in my opinion, lately. That is until yesterday.. 

What can I say about yesterday, it was truly a clusterfuck of a day that had me in and near tears almost all day. 

Okay. Let’s go back a couple days so you can hear the whole story of what happened on my birthday and the event that lead up to me nearly jumping of a cliff! 

It all started on the day before my birthday. It was a Tuesday. A normal hotter than hell day in Arizona. And my mom was already fucking up my birthday. She ignored me nearly the entire time I was at home and whenever we did happen to get a chance to have a chat. It was always about my brother, and all his problems, that sorry to disappoint but I don’t really give a fuck about. She asked to borrow money and I was pretty much heated all day. image 

BUT! Despite all the disappointing things she said and did, on my birthday was was really nice. Which in itself was nice. (btw I didn’t get anything for my birthday *sad puppy face*). So there’s that. And also later that day my pregnant aunt and her 2 children got rear ended! Definitely had me scared out of my wits! They’re okay now and hopefully the scare didn’t affect the baby!

So fast forward to my birthday, I leave my parents house and I get to go to an optometrists appointment! *very sarcastic enthusiasm*, that took a couple hours out of my oh so fun filled day. Basically nothing exciting happened on my birthday, except for when my parents took me to a really nice mexican restaurant in Phoenix called Comedor Guadalajara. the food was really good! We ordered a plate that came with a little burner it was very fun to cook.:) 

After that they dropped me off and helped me start my car, HERE IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING, my dad told me, that if I leave my car alone for about a week, the battery will drain. So we turned it on, and the battery was dead! So they gave me a jumpstart and I drove around for a few minutes and everything was good. I went to sleep and la di da what a great night. 

The next morning I had a contact lense appointment/fitting at 9:30. I go down to start my car at around 9 o’clock. When I turn the ignition lo and behold, the battery is once again dead!

This is when I start to panic. Who do I call? What in the hell do I even do?! Will I make it to my appointment on time!??! 

Of course not. It was already 10 when called my dad near tears, telling him i have no idea what to do. And of course he can’t drop everything and come running to help me. 

So, after a couple hours of just calling around the few (2 ) people that I did know here and knocking on my neighbors doors. I decided enough was enough and called myself a cab.

Without much ado a cab came and the cab driver was really nice and helped me get to an Auto Zone and buy tools to take out my battery, and then he helped me take it out and then drove me back to the auto zone to get the battery charged!

I know what you’re saying, why not just get a jumpstart from the cab? Well the car was an electric car and the cab driver said he didn’t know how to or even if he could help me out that way. 

After about an hour and getting to know the store manager of Auto zone, because he took pity on me after probably seeing me cry in to the back corner of the store because I  didn’t really know what was going on. The battery was charged and I could go home and get my car started. Except I ended up waiting for another cab for a little under an hour. And the cab driver started going in the wrong direction when he did show up. I think it might have been because he was talking on the phone singing Jesus Loves me to his wife... -.- After I got home and he helped me get the battery back in. My car finally started!

And that was why I wanted to jump off a cliff. 

It was a good learning experience though, that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

I had to go back because the Auto Zone guy told me that it might be my alternator. Which is the thing that recharges my battery while I’m using it. Or at least that’s what everyone and their father tells me. It was that though, which is really good, because I don’t have money to pay to get it fixed *sad face*. It was just because i left the car for a week and didn’t turn it on.

And that’s it. That’s my story. The end.

..for now.

Endnote: I went to the mall and bought myself another Victoria’s Secret backpack ( the galaxy blue one it's super cute) for school and a couple pairs of cute sunglasses, it was really fun and award to go by myself to the mall!  image

Okay forreal though. 



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