
Monday, December 16, 2013

New Blog

I've moved to Tumblr just because I feel it'll be easier for me to post from there since I'm there half my life anyway. 

Join meee!

Friday, August 23, 2013

First Week of School = CHECK! and some scatterbrained thoughts


Well! I survived my first week of college!!!! Hip hip hooray! I mean in total it was probably only 8 hours that I actually spent in the school, but you know.. it’s been a while! Anyway, I love all my classes and teachers and am really excited to be back in school. If anything my classes are a bit on the boring side so far, just because math is Precalculus and I’ve already taken that class in high school! Albeit, I understood diddly squat the first time, I think it was because I was never focused and I never actually did the pre-reading... or the homework... *shrugs* It just wasn’t meant to be back then!

And I have english 101 which is standard and quite uninteresting so far. So is psychology, which is a bit of a bummer since that was the class I was really looking forward to this year. one thing I like about me school though, is how independent the teachers let us be. They’re kinda just there to guide us when we need help and it really makes me feel good about myself. In some weird I- Am-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar type of way. They also speak to us like we’re equals which I really appreciate. Oh and I can use my cellphone in class, and it’s not like I spend the entire class time sending tweets and what not, but if we’re doing work and I’m done or something I will pull it out and play some candy crush. My current addiction.

One thing that’s grown on me at least right now, I can still stand it, is walking to school. It’s really fun because I will put in my headphones and listen to some really indie rockish-makes me wanna wear a leather jacket type of music and act like the sidewalk is my catwalk. I don my super cool sunglasses and I feel like I can conquer the world!

So far, I haven’t made any friends in school, which is also quite the mood dampener. But I just don’t know how to go about asking someone if they wanna be besties! Should I bring flowers? Ask them to dinner? I don’t know. I guess it’s also the fear of being rejected, like putting myself out there and then someone being like “what the hell crawl back to wherever you came from freak!” Ya know! I know logically no one would really say that but still. It’s nerve wracking. 

Currently, I am sitting in the Starbucks, I have dubbed as mine, because it’s so close to where I live. And drinking a Green tea frap that kinda tastes like shit but I still drink it because I don’t know what else to do to pass the time. As you can probably guess, I have not had any luck on the Job searching front. And before you go judging me! I AM TRYING! I have applied to so many places I have lost track! They all have been nursing jobs and no one has called me back! I guess it’s time to look for another type of job. Which really makes me upset because I went and took the time to get this fancy nursing license and no one will hire me! And it sucks doubly because everyone I talked to told me I’d easily find a job and that they’re always hiring in Phoenix and what not. LIES. ALL OF THEM. 

So those are my troubles now. 

There is nothing that positive going on in my life, which really sucks.

And I have new upstairs neighbors. You wanna know how I found out? well I’ll tell you! They stomp around ALL DAY AND NIGHT. I am not even joking right now from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep all I hear is the creaking above me. I kinda wanna ask them if they could maybe lay some mattresses down and walk on those.
Oh! one positive thing right now is that I now have contacts! they make me feel fab. Seriously, so far they’re kind of a bitch to put on, but once they’re in I take a good long look at myself and think, “so this is what I look like without glasses.” Wow. 

At the moment, I’m really glad I decided to start a blog because sometimes I go back and read what I’ve written and I think wow. This is my life now. This is some crazy stuff! Even thought nothing crazy has happened I still am so happy that I made this move and set out to build a life and become an independent person. Even though it gets super duper lonely most of the time. I still am so thankful for this experience. 

Well, I feel like this a good place to stop, because I really have to go home a do some studying and homework if I wanna enjoy my weekend, doing nothing.. *chuckles uncomfortably*. 

okay bye.

xoxo, Jasmin

Saturday, August 17, 2013

You’re Invited! ...To my pity party!


There hasn’t been much to happen that’s been blog worthy in my opinion, lately. That is until yesterday.. 

What can I say about yesterday, it was truly a clusterfuck of a day that had me in and near tears almost all day. 

Okay. Let’s go back a couple days so you can hear the whole story of what happened on my birthday and the event that lead up to me nearly jumping of a cliff! 

It all started on the day before my birthday. It was a Tuesday. A normal hotter than hell day in Arizona. And my mom was already fucking up my birthday. She ignored me nearly the entire time I was at home and whenever we did happen to get a chance to have a chat. It was always about my brother, and all his problems, that sorry to disappoint but I don’t really give a fuck about. She asked to borrow money and I was pretty much heated all day. image 

BUT! Despite all the disappointing things she said and did, on my birthday was was really nice. Which in itself was nice. (btw I didn’t get anything for my birthday *sad puppy face*). So there’s that. And also later that day my pregnant aunt and her 2 children got rear ended! Definitely had me scared out of my wits! They’re okay now and hopefully the scare didn’t affect the baby!

So fast forward to my birthday, I leave my parents house and I get to go to an optometrists appointment! *very sarcastic enthusiasm*, that took a couple hours out of my oh so fun filled day. Basically nothing exciting happened on my birthday, except for when my parents took me to a really nice mexican restaurant in Phoenix called Comedor Guadalajara. the food was really good! We ordered a plate that came with a little burner it was very fun to cook.:) 

After that they dropped me off and helped me start my car, HERE IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING, my dad told me, that if I leave my car alone for about a week, the battery will drain. So we turned it on, and the battery was dead! So they gave me a jumpstart and I drove around for a few minutes and everything was good. I went to sleep and la di da what a great night. 

The next morning I had a contact lense appointment/fitting at 9:30. I go down to start my car at around 9 o’clock. When I turn the ignition lo and behold, the battery is once again dead!

This is when I start to panic. Who do I call? What in the hell do I even do?! Will I make it to my appointment on time!??! 

Of course not. It was already 10 when called my dad near tears, telling him i have no idea what to do. And of course he can’t drop everything and come running to help me. 

So, after a couple hours of just calling around the few (2 ) people that I did know here and knocking on my neighbors doors. I decided enough was enough and called myself a cab.

Without much ado a cab came and the cab driver was really nice and helped me get to an Auto Zone and buy tools to take out my battery, and then he helped me take it out and then drove me back to the auto zone to get the battery charged!

I know what you’re saying, why not just get a jumpstart from the cab? Well the car was an electric car and the cab driver said he didn’t know how to or even if he could help me out that way. 

After about an hour and getting to know the store manager of Auto zone, because he took pity on me after probably seeing me cry in to the back corner of the store because I  didn’t really know what was going on. The battery was charged and I could go home and get my car started. Except I ended up waiting for another cab for a little under an hour. And the cab driver started going in the wrong direction when he did show up. I think it might have been because he was talking on the phone singing Jesus Loves me to his wife... -.- After I got home and he helped me get the battery back in. My car finally started!

And that was why I wanted to jump off a cliff. 

It was a good learning experience though, that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

I had to go back because the Auto Zone guy told me that it might be my alternator. Which is the thing that recharges my battery while I’m using it. Or at least that’s what everyone and their father tells me. It was that though, which is really good, because I don’t have money to pay to get it fixed *sad face*. It was just because i left the car for a week and didn’t turn it on.

And that’s it. That’s my story. The end.

..for now.

Endnote: I went to the mall and bought myself another Victoria’s Secret backpack ( the galaxy blue one it's super cute) for school and a couple pairs of cute sunglasses, it was really fun and award to go by myself to the mall!  image

Okay forreal though. 



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Homeward Bound!


This week many many wonderful things have happened to me. I can't help but have a big cheesy grin plastered to my face at the moment!

As I said before, I am currently looking for a job and exploring the city for exciting things to do. So of course, I went in search of my local Target! Because what else to do when you're bored than scour a Target for things you absolutely don't need! Well. I found mine and I spent about 4 hours walking up and down EVERY SINGLE AISLE. It was faaabulouusss!! *does a twirl and swings arm into the air like a diva* I bought a Mean Girls and Harry Potter dvd. During a different trip I went and bought a 32" VIZIO TV, because life was unbearable without one. 

also I found this cute book!

After my little trip to Target. I went to the store next door called Ulta. Basically that's just a huge beauty store, that is probably any woman's wet dream. I was browsing some brushes when one of the makeup counter girls comes up and ropes me into getting a make over and buying a $35 make up brush!!! I left the store feeling simultaneously good and bad about myself and that store. I mean I obviously can't save a penny worth my life! But at the same time the Cargo Magic Brush makes my life and make up so much better! I like to think of it as a necessary evil that I will probably regret when it's time to pay my bills *laughs uncomfortably at the mention of them*. Anyway! Here are some pictures! (btw I count my lucky stars that I didn't fall for the Michael Kors perfume bit. That would have been a $170 disaster for my poor little bank account!

Post make over and brush fiasco
Ulta aka leave your money at home or else!

Onto the title!! The reason I titled this Homeward Bound was because!! *drum roll* I AM HOME! As in with my parents in Cottonwood! Yes! I decided that I didn't want to spend my birthday poor and alone. So my lovely mom offered to pick me up from Glendale and bring me back to Cottonwood! So far it's been meh. I don't have a car here but it's okay because I love spending time with my little sister Daisy and the rest of my family! 

My brother. Ohhhh, that is a whole different can of worms but long story short. He is now living with my parents after I moved out. (Wow don't be so eager to replace me mom and dad gee!) My sister was also quick to claim my room, as it is the second biggest bedroom in the house. So I've commandeered her room for the time being. *giggles* 

My birthday is next wednesday and I will be dun dun dun! 18 YEARS OLD! WOO! I am really excited. The sad part is though. That the only reason I'm excited is so that I can get myself into debt. I'm serious! I want to start building my credit and that means credit cards. Well to be honest I'm only looking to apply for one and I will only use it for gas and stuff like that. Nothing like buying myself a Louis Vuitton 32 Speedy or anything *winks*.

Talking about debt! I finally got my financial aid book advance which means I can finally get my books for school! I am way excited to start learning again! I went to my freshmen orientation last Tuesday and got to see the campus and now I'm just chomping at the bit to start using my brain again!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Life So Far: A Novel by Yours Truly


So I haven’t blogged in a while and I have a completely legit explanation for that! I promise! See the thing is I moved to Glendale on the 30th of July and my cousins and my sister stayed over at my house because I begged them so I wouldn’t be lonely those first few days. 

They ended up staying ‘til the 1st of August and we all did super fun stuff. 

On the first day I was there we went to Ikea and I bought myself a LACK coffee table (one of the cheapy’s cuz I mean why spend hundreds of dollars on something that’s gonna get messed up anyway ay know!) as well as a LACK Side table! now all I need is a TV. But those things cost quite a handful. Something I’m definitely not willing to shell out while I still don’t have a job. 

After we got my house all set up and several hours worth of a tearful goodbye with my parents, we went in search of my apartments pool. It was 8 pm by the time we got in. All in all a pretty decent day.

The next day I took them (my cousins/sister) shopping at the Arrowhead Town Center/Mall thing, using my handy dandy samsung s4 navigation thingy ma jig. That thing is like my best friend right now while I discover the city and places that are essential to my survival. Like Starbucks. ;) 

Anyway on the third day they were there, we went to the world wildlife Zoo and let’s just say if I didn’t lose several pounds during that trip, I don’t think I ever will. I ran around with my cousin like two 5 year olds hopped up on pixie Sticks. It was a nice 500 degrees outside too. I’d say sufficiently suffocating. We spent nearly half the time inside the aquarium and baby animals exhibit. (there were only 2 baby animals btw.) 

Kangaroo looking thing!

After that when we were leaving I got to experience my first Haboob. That’s a sandstom. It was quite scary and I thought I was gonna die, thankfully I didn’t! heh. We went to dinner and then after another couple hours worth of tearful goodbyes. They left. I did not wanna let go of my baby sister! I mean how is she going to live without me! I’ve been taking care of her for nearly 8 whole years!  Hello separation anxiety! Here I come! 

Anyway lately I’ve just been going out and exploring the oh-so-great city of Glendale so I won’t fall into a deep pit of depression. Because that’s what it feels like. I go home and there’s no one there. I feel like crying every time I step out of my room. The worst times are between 5 and 10 pm. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because those used to be family times at home? I don’t know but those times are when I have to be careful with my thoughts because they can get reeeeaalllly depressing. :c

At the moment, I am blogging from the Public Library, because I don’t have any internet at my house (super duper sad face), I’ve discovered so pretty cool places around here and am just really excited to start school in a couple of weeks! 

Well that’s all I can think of to write about, so far living alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but hopefully I’ll get used to it (passively shrugs). 



Saturday, July 27, 2013

So Far..


Today I quit my job as a CNA at Kachina Point Rehab Hospital, and it was very bittersweet. I really did love working there. All of my coworkers were great I really grew to love  a couple of them like my charge nurse Margie, she was totes awesome and pushed me, to be a better CNA and at times it was stressful but in the end I really appreciate what she's done for me. And April, she was awesome and she does a lot for the residents and I could always count on her to be super peppy and crazy awesome image

Leading up to my last day I had a pretty exciting week at work. On Monday I made s'mores for my residents (which was not a very good idea, Marshmallows and chocolate EVERYWHERE.

Tuesday was my day off so I went to see Grown Ups 2. I would recommend it just because Taylor fuCKING LAUTNER! Eeeekk he's so cute! image 

Wednesday and thursday were blah and today (Friday) they gave me a card and a George Foreman Grill (woo!) and lunch at subway it was wicked cool of them I almost cried :( .

Welll! That's all, I move to Glendale on Tuesday and I can't wait to buy school supplies and new clothes for school!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Newness and Hope For The Future

Welp, here I go again! Starting yet another project in hopes that I won't lose interest and leave it like I do many, many, many other things. I guess this is the post where I introduce myself! 

Here we go!

Hiya there! My name is Jasmin and I am currently 17 years old. 
I live in Arizona and I have all my life! It's a nice place to live most of the time especially where I live, which is in Cottonwood. 
I started this blog because I thought it'd be a great place to record everything that has happened in my life and that is going to happen. Mostly, because I feel like I'm this small tiny little young creature going out into the cold, cruel world with nothing but a smile and positive (for the most part) thoughts. 
You see, I graduated high school a semester early and at the tender age of only 17 years old. How many people can say they've done that! Also I am a certified Nursing Assistant at Kachina Point Rehab and Nursing Home. So I guess you can say I'm a bit accomplished.

The thing is unlike most kids my age. Instead of going to Uni I decided that I'm mature enough to live on my own in one if the largest cities in the United States! I'm also attending Glendale Community College this fall to begin my life dream (literally) of being a doctor.

I'm going to be living by myself and working full time (hopefully), and going to school full time!

This is going to be an awfully big adventure.